Newsletter August

PASconcept July 2022 Newsletter

PASconcept Updates

Company Feed
  • This feature allows the user to get a global look at PASconcept, informing them of what changes have occurred in the last 24hrs, 48hrs, 72Hrs, or 7 days.
  • This feature has a native filter which allows the user to select to view specific entities (i.e. Opportunities, Proposals, Jobs, Invoices, etc).
  • Further customization of this feed is possible from the users My Account> Page Settings area. Here the user can define the default view of their feed. Options include, Time Frame, Entities, and if they wish to see company-wide items or if they prefer to only view items related to themselves.
 Property Data     
  • Retrieve Property Data from the nation’s leading property data libraries in a single click.
  • Retrieve Parcel/Boundary Data, Building Data, Historical Deed information, Market Value, Taxes and Assessments, and Ownership data for Properties associated to Jobs and Proposals.
  • Option to share this Data with your clients.
  • Track Retrieval Credits on the Fetch Property Credit Log Employee Settings.
 Employee Settings  
  • Determine/limit which employees can be selected to be associated with Clients, Proposals, and Opportunities. Timesheets
  • Enter Time more efficiently with PASconcept Timesheets.
  • Gather more information from your employees, effectively and efficiently.
  • Can be configured to fit your specific Payroll Periods.
  • Enter time for Proposals, Jobs, Opportunities, and more all in one place!
  • Job Scope
    • View Job’s Milestone Timeline
      • Easily filer Proposal, Job, Phase Task and Invoice Milestones to view your project’s milestone Timeline
    • Add/Edit your Job’s scope on the fly. Easily allow users (with the appropriate permissions) to add Phases and/or Tasks to existing Jobs.
  • Job Expenses
    • Enter robust descriptions with Rich Text for your Job Expenses.

·         Tiered Structured Tables      

  • Job scopes are easy to understand and visualize with our tiered structured tables found in the Job Detail, Proposal Detail, Timesheet and Proposal Wizard.

Smart Proposals for A/E Firms

Smart Proposals

“The simplification of anything is sensational.”

– G.K Chesterton

First impressions can occur long before your client has their proposal in hand. Think about it; how can your clients expect your company to efficiently finish their project on time if you took days to send a single proposal? In this article, you will learn how PASconcept can help your business achieve a superior level of effectiveness by simplifying proposal creation.
Read the Article!

PASconcept Webinars

If you missed any of our previous webinars, head to our YouTube channel to watch them in their entirety!
Optimizing the Life Cycle of Your Project
Proposal Management Made Easy
Project Management Guide 

Schedule a Demo!


At PASconcept, we know each business is unique.

Allow us to present you with a customized demo to show you exactly how PASconcept can help your business.

Click here!

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Paula Omañas is the Marketing Communications Manager for PASconcept. She graduated from FIU with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration double majoring in Marketing and Management.