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PASconcept April 2024 Newsletter

April Highlights!

Our latest article explores how ERP software improves document management in architecture and engineering firms. It highlights the challenges of traditional methods, such as manual data entry errors and lack of accessibility, and how ERP software addresses these difficulties by centralizing document storage, automating workflows, and providing advanced search capabilities. Additionally, a use case of PASconcept, our ERP software, is presented to streamline proposal approval processes in architecture and engineering firms. Discover how PASconcept can transform your document management! Click below to read more.

Upcoming PASconcept Webinar: Navigating Plans Review & On Site Inspections


Our next webinar will take place on April 25th at 2:00pm ET!

Stay tuned!


At PASconcept, we know each business is unique.

Allow us to present you with a customized demo to show you exactly how PASconcept can help your business.

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Matthew C. Mur is proud to be the CEO of Axzes, the makers of PASconcept. He has over 10 years experience in Business Development with the bulk of that time dedicated to the Tech Industry.