Deadline Management Good Management Practices

How many times have you been on the verge of not fulfilling a project? Do you know why this happens? It’s simple, everything in life has a start and end time. This is the case in any workplace.  Therefore, the main rule in order to save time is to internalize that every project has different life cycles which must be fulfilled in phases through a process of monitoring and controlling from start to finish. Every project must have a Deadline Management. 

In each of the planned actions, it must be taken into account to identify risks, possible effects and unforeseen events. To give you an example, you may need to absorb the impact of a new project and compare it with the previous one; And for this reason, it is necessary to respond to the risks and review the fulfillment of each of the tasks completed in each day. This way, we can successfully complete our project within the deadline that was determined.

Deadline Management is not an Obstacle, it is a Path

Our focus should be to complete each project started. Not meeting the deadlines of a task can cause us great tensions because of the consequences that may arise. Setting deadlines and accomplishing the objectives on time for the delivery of a project is part of any business dynamic. For this reason, Deadline Management should not be an obstacle, rather it is a reference that allows us to manage variables and distribute tasks, consequently saving time.

Useful Resources

The first thing is always to set the delivery date of the project. This is one of the first resources you can use to your advantage. Remember, even though the customer has an idealized objective, you have the experience of the execution and/or coordination of the work you are going to do. You know the inconveniences that can arise during the planning, scheduling and execution phases of the project. You know a lot more than your customers, that’s why they hired you. If this is in your hands, take advantage to make it easier to meet deadlines. If you manage to reach the desired goal ahead of time, not only will you wow your client, but they will potentially recommend your work.

Minimize Unforeseen Events

Define a purpose and visualize the final result you must obtain. You should always count on the client. One of the biggest problems that occurs is finishing a project and the client, for lack of consensus, disagrees with the outcome. Therefore, you must identify what the desired result is, including the quality of it. Do the same with your team, collaborators and the people involved in the execution.

Set Priorities

You already know what the client wants and how they want it; identify what will take the project to the desired goal and make it a priority. The priorities are responsible for recognizing everything that can delay your course to the final destination and guide you clearly along the path to reach the desired goal. There are strategies to establish your priorities which are helpful elements to consider in Deadline Management.

A strategy for setting priorities is to visually highlight priority tasks and not ignore them. Remember to review the action plans every day and highlight your priority tasks to avoid devoting time and effort to wrong tasks. You must set monthly, weekly and daily goals that correspond with the time available and the deadline of the project. 

Break Down the Project

Breaking down the project into stages guarantees optimization of time and the fulfilment of the goal. A very useful strategy that contains five strategic points are the well-known objectives SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Bound

In addition, you can detail, sequentially, all the necessary tasks you will perform and which ones you could delegate. This will bring great value for the effective distribution of tasks.

Realistic Planning and Distribution of Tasks

When executing the action plan, analyze the displacements and changes between one task and another. One task must be carried out at a time.

The goal in your Deadline Management should be to get ahead of the deadline. For this, it is necessary to identify the risks and the contingencies that you may encounter throughout the execution. Not being aware of the consequences of an incomplete phase can be harmful for the whole team. This is why you must anticipate events and have actions available to counteract this situation.

Delegated Tasks

Something important during Deadline Management is to distribute tasks in an efficient manner. Every member of the team should be responsible of their work and should know their respective deadlines. 

In addition, lack of coordination can lead to delays. If this happens you must discard everything that is slowing down the progress of the project. 

Every Mistake is a Learning Process

Do a final review to collect what you can improve on for the next project and figure out what was done right. If you missed a target date at some stage, analyze it with your team so you don’t make the same mistake in the future. Remember, feedback with the rest of the team provides valuable information and everyone learns from the experience. Effective communication is a tool for success in a project.

If you see that you will not be able to finish on time, do not hesitate to tell the client as soon as possible. In this way, minimum solutions or agreements can be feasible. Sharing information on time will always be better than reaching the end of the deadline without having a meeting. If you don’t, you’ll be part of the problem and your professionalism will suffer. A good option when communicating to the client that you are not going to finish on time, is to always arrive at the meeting with a solution.

Deadline Management Tools

We can suggest different software and applications available today for both companies and freelancers that will help you organize Deadline Management, eliminating the risk of not finishing on time. 

Some of them are:

  • PASconcept
  • Asana
  • Telescopio
  • Paymo
  • ClickUp
  • Trello

Better Team Better Projects

After you have finished a project, it is important to recognize the successful completion of the project with your team. This will raise the level of confidence, satisfaction and commitment on each team member resulting in a stronger work team. With this, your production capacity and creativity will surely increase and you will be able to carry out new and better projects.

Reach your Goals!

There are several tools to save time and manage your project, but you need to identify your needs before deciding which one is right for your company. With the right software you will be able to optimize work and accomplish your goals. 

What are you waiting for….? Schedule a FREE demo with PASconcept and find out how we can help you manage your daily business activities!

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Paula Omañas

Paula Omañas is the Marketing Communications Manager for PASconcept. She graduated from FIU with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration double majoring in Marketing and Management.

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